Saturday, October 4, 2014


            I'm red! I'm yellow! And blue! What about you?

Learn about auras, why reading 
them can 
be helpful to your physical, emotional
and mental
health and learn
a technique to read your own aura. 

 In my book, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading, I discuss having an aura reading and how it can be helpful to learn more about your whole self and heal.

Kindle edition.  For all my books on Amazon - Smashwords or  june ahern dot com

AURA READING: can be very insightful. The aura is an energy field that surrounds all living organisms. It is seen with the "mind's eye" and not the physical eye. Aura energy is seen in vibrating colors; red, orange, yellow, lighter blue, green, indigo blue and purple with variation mixing and blending, dark and light. It surrounds people, all creatures, plant kingdoms and all of nature.

The aura holds information about the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical condition of a person. Each color is relative to specific information. Above left I'm surrounded by red and white - red on one side of my head - a lot of mental activity, new active ideas and on the other side white that looks like twin energy. My guides? My spiritual self outside my physical self. I would say both.

My image on the right side taken in another year shows yellow cascading on either side of my head and very close to it looks like hair, doesn't it? A golden yellow sometimes as seen in the third charka, ego - self power center. I am at a time of feeling confident in my spiritual and physical, emotional world. The bridge between the yellow and on the outer side is a light green (mixed with some white), peaceful, and healing of my ego in a way I understood my life karmic path more so than in previous years.

The color(s) of the aura can change as it is affected by the mood and energy of a person. The color(s) may appear intense or dull, mobile or stationary.

Nowadays, auras can be photographed by using specially designed light sensitive cameras. This process known as Kirlian photography is named after Semyon Kirlian, a Russian scientist who developed it. The technique is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical corona discharge (an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid surrounding a conductor that is electrically energized.)
In this photo I am surrounded by blue and white, with some green in the center where my heart is. My aura conveys my distancing myself with the protection of my spiritual guides.

I do not have a Kirlian camera, but I do have my psychic eye (not a physical eye) to see auras emanate from clients as I begin my readings. This information is useful in helping me to understand my client’s energy­­––physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual image. If you choose to have an aura reading be sure to ask the reader to translate any information given about the “colors” she sees and how it applies to your situation.

 Red energy of action and activity. In my head area pertains to my spiritual awakening in action and the whitish energy above takes me into visions. My visions and night dreams are very active as I'm guided to my path as a psychic/medium - beyond what I thought of myself, my life or my professional path. The intensity of moving forward was great during this time. Teaching, lecturing, meeting, often my change, people from great distances.

The aura image of me below: Pop! Pop! Colors bright and fun as though looking through a crystal.  What do you say is my mood? Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy?
Green, gold, hints of red.

To learn more about my complete consumer's guide, The Timeless Counselor: The Best Guide to a Successful Psychic Reading and my other books go to june ahern dot com.

                                                 Thank you for reading my blog.


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